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Hiatus: Fugitive Artists

Hiatus: Fugitive Artists published on No Comments on Hiatus: Fugitive Artists

Hi folks! We’re sorry there’s no page this week. Carrie and Alan got a last minute notification that they had an obligation (nothing bad) in Denmark, so they’ve been busy packing, traveling, getting jetlag, and sampling pastries. We hope to resume the story next week, thanks for bearing with us!

Random Danish Vocab Fact: The word for “sorry” in Danish is “unskyld”. Thanks, Duo Lingo!

Hiatus – The Fight

Hiatus – The Fight published on No Comments on Hiatus – The Fight

Hi all, with Carrie healing from a surgery last week and the world going sideways, we’ve got another special hiatus image for you. Pinky promise we’ll be resuming Episode 4 soon!

For those who aren’t familiar with the Three Arrows, it’s a symbol used by those who fight against fascism. It was also a symbol originally used in the Weimar Republic by those opposed to the rise of the Moustache Man. We know things are scary right now, but know you’re not alone.

Solidarity (and Pizza) forever.

The Founder’s Tree

The Founder’s Tree published on No Comments on The Founder’s Tree

Every regime needs an impressive statue dedicated to it’s awesomeness, right?

The Founder’s Tree, located in the heart of Inner Trinity, is a ancient fruit-bearing tree roughly as old as the city itself. While historical details from the Withering (and subsequently the founding of Trinity) are hazy, the tree is rumored to have been planted by the founders themselves. Originally an apple tree, cuttings from various other fruit trees have been grafted on over the centuries. To Inner Trinity, it’s a symbol of the ongoing success of the city to both survive and prosper in the harsh world left behind by the Withering.

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