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Ep. 3 Act 4 Page 20: Head in the Game

Ep. 3 Act 4 Page 20: Head in the Game published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 4 Page 20: Head in the Game

Orson’s good to his word, just suddenly a bit distracted.

The HSF feels it is very generous to offer free one day holding of all suspects belongings, and charging a flat storage fee after that point. The fact that the daily fee is more than most suspects make in a week is considered an incentive for suspects to cooperate with investigations. Items marked as trash or abandoned are dispatched to an automated recycling system.

Ep. 3 Act 4 Page 17: Keyed Up

Ep. 3 Act 4 Page 17: Keyed Up published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 4 Page 17: Keyed Up

Markesha, Orson, and Link clash with different strategies for how to get the restraints off.

While most electrical systems in Outer Trinity are well shielded against static discharge, many systems inside the Wall are less protected. This is due to two primary factors. First, that the environmental conditioning systems in the wall will prevent charge buildup; and secondly that hardening the system against overloads is someone else’s job.

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