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Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 27: Eat It, Too.

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 27: Eat It, Too. published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 27: Eat It, Too.

Markesha corrects with Audrey’s quick action, but the engineer may have overcompensated in her panic. Just a little. Okay, a lot.

The building codes and constant shifting of the outer city skyline means half of Markesha’s time is spent testing surfaces to find out if they’re stable or not. Sometimes that flimsy looking corrugated tin roof is steady as a rock. Sometimes that solid concrete wall will crumble away at the slightest pressure. Either way if there’s one lesson Markesha’s had to learn to live with it’s this: Falling is a given. Getting up is the important part.

Happy New Year, thank you so much for being a huge part of what makes Kamikaze the awesome experience it is!

This was a Triumph!

This was a Triumph! published on No Comments on This was a Triumph!

The Animated Short and Comic Anthology Kickstarter just wrapped, and thanks to you it was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who backed, shared, or just generally cheered us on during this big climb over the past month! We’re excited about finally bringing Kamikaze to the screen, and bringing more creators into the fold to share their own Kamikaze stories.

Right now, the team is going to get some rest. We’ll be back at things full force next week as Markesha continues her climb up the wall!

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 25: Have Your Cake

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 25: Have Your Cake published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 25: Have Your Cake

Sometimes, you don’t need no stinking gravity pack.

We have just 6 days left on the Animated Short and Comics Anthology Kickstarter, and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Spread the word and donate if you can!

Despite all odds, the phrase “Piece of cake” has persisted in common use throughout Trinity. No one is really certain where the phrase came from, or why it means what it does. There’s even some strong contention on the entire concept of a cake being large enough to have pieces. Regardless, the saying remains.

Break Post: Across the Gap

Break Post: Across the Gap published on No Comments on Break Post: Across the Gap

Hey all! We’re hard at work with the Animated Short and Anthology Kickstarter, but still wanted to give you a shiny image this week! Go check out the Kickstarter if you haven’t had a chance, we’re just under two weeks away from our deadline and need your help to make this campaign a success!

Speaking of the Kickstarter, here’s a few awesome videos from the campaign you should check out. First up is an interview with Dani Chambers, our voice actress for Markesha!

And next, we’ve got an amazing character introduction video for Toro Blackthorne. Yes THAT Toro Blackthorne! He’s our villain for the animated short, and he’s voiced by the incredible Jonathan Young!

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 24: Defying Gravity

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 24: Defying Gravity published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 24: Defying Gravity

Markesha didn’t fall, but the next jump is the make or break moment!

Thank you to all our supporters who’ve backed and shared our Kickstarter! If you haven’t had the chance to check it out, Kamikaze is getting a short animated pilot made! We’re just over a week into the campaign, and we’ve already raised 11k of the 27k goal. Help us take Markesha’s gravity-defying exploits to new heights here! ->

Working with the pack that can mess with gravity means odd things can happen to the human body. Audrey’s had to ensure that consumption of any kind of gas emitting foods or beverages are verboten before a run. This wouldn’t normally be an issue for the human body, but paired with constant warping gravity, normal human gas functions can cause an operative incapacitating stomach pains.

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 23: Engaged

Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 23: Engaged published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 3 Page 23: Engaged

Markesha’s choice to trust Audrey pays off, but for how long?

Let’s say you’re inside Inner Trinity and the sun has just set. You look out from the balcony of your luxurious home in a House compound, and beyond the croplands to the massive Wall that protects your crops. You would see a warm glow that lightly rimmed the Wall from below – this would be the lights of the Outer City. On a clear night this warm light can look like an ever present after glow of the setting sun. Some residents of the Inner City find the sight romantic. Others don’t see the whimsical sun set. Instead, they see fire, and it reminds them of their precarious position in the Inner City. After all, there are more people beyond the Wall and power is a fickle mistress.

Our next Kickstarter launches in less than a week, make sure you sign up for our mailing list!

Ep. 3 Act 3 Pg. 22: Point of Ascension

Ep. 3 Act 3 Pg. 22: Point of Ascension published on No Comments on Ep. 3 Act 3 Pg. 22: Point of Ascension

Markesha’s made it to her jump point, and now she’s come face to face with just how big a jump it is.

We’re back! Thank you to everyone who stuck with us through the hiatus, and hello to all the new readers!

If you’re in Atlanta this weekend, join us at AWA 2019! We’ll be at Booth 840 in the Vendor Hall. Don’t forget to sign up for our email list to learn more about our upcoming Animated Short and Comic Anthology Kickstarter!

Animated Short Kickstarter Announcement

Animated Short Kickstarter Announcement published on No Comments on Animated Short Kickstarter Announcement

It’s been a long time coming, and we’re almost there! Kamikaze is finally coming to animation, and we’d love your help getting it across the finish line. Sign up for our mailing list to find out more, including a special surprise we’re working on for the campaign!

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