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Pg. 24: Coward of Cornerstone

Pg. 24: Coward of Cornerstone published on No Comments on Pg. 24: Coward of Cornerstone

Orson’s less than flattering nickname rears its ugly head, and Julian realizes just who he’s been dragged in with. So ends Act 1! We’ll be on hiatus for the next two weeks, but will be posting art and more worldbuilding in the meantime. See y’all in Act 2!

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Pg. 23: Undercut

Pg. 23: Undercut published on No Comments on Pg. 23: Undercut

Julian makes a new friend, and Zig questions the inmate Julian came in with. This week we’re thrilled to introduce another Kickstarter Cameo, Youtube singer Jonathan Young!

Also please help support the creators affected by the sudden cancellation of Universal FanCon by browsing the virtual Universal Artist Alley!

Continue reading Pg. 23: Undercut

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