Markesha is really bent out of shape when she discovers her jacket has been stealthily burdened not once, but twice in the same night.
Posts authored by admin
Pg. 16: Ditched
The damage has been done, but Markesha can’t stand to deal with the fallout.
Pg. 15: Crash of Thunder
Markesha doesn’t do well when cornered.
Pg. 14: Static and Friction
Toshi’s confident he can smooth the whole situation over if Markesha would stop freaking out and let him work. Markesha doesn’t see how her father’s writing could do anything to fix the situation.
Pg. 13: Tipping Point
Markesha isn’t wasting anytime getting packed to leave the only home she’s ever known. Toshi reminds her there’s another option, but she’s not willing to hear it.
The Walls Have Eyes – Enemy of the Peace
Have a little look into Markesha’s future as Kamikaze! Our Kickstarter ends on Sunday so if you haven’t backed now’s your chance!
She’s an enigma to the people of Trinity, an urban legend to some, an Enemy of the Peace to others. Combining Audrey’s gravity pack tech with her own unorthodox methodology, Markesha has managed to create quite a stir in Trinity. Whether it’s the rumblings of something greater is a topic of intense debate both inside and outside the Wall.
We’re 3 days out from the end of the campaign, and we’re nearly at the quarter-way mark towards stretch goal #3! If we can hit the goal, we can include a print run of the short spin-off guest comic Midnight Run. The comic features a short story that fast forwards to the adventures of Kamikaze herself.
Pg. 12: Uncooperative Elements
Orson’s got places to be, so for now the spat with Audrey over the new recruit is put on pause. The Volume 1 Kickstarter ends this Saturday! Make sure to check out the campaign if you haven’t had a chance.
The Walls Have Eyes – Hello, Mr. Sohn
Somones keeping an eye on Orson’s team, but it looks like the data on this file has been bit…er…embellished.
If the world of Kamikaze had an equivalent of Forbes Magazine’s Top 30 Under 30 list you’d probably find Link somewhere on it – mostly because he’d have put it there himself. Eager to please anyone he thinks will give him an edge up on the competition, Link is a natural-born social climber.
Beyond his impressive skills as a Spyder (hacker for hire), Link is a perpetual wellspring of social energy. He’s prone to let his ego outrun his ability to deliver, and it gets him in trouble far more often than he’d like to admit. Of Orson’s core team, Link is the newest member. He’s proud of his work, and sees the project as a stepping stone to bigger, more grandiose things. Whether that dream will match up with reality, time will only tell.
We’ve just passed our first stretch goal! All backers at the Book Pack and above will receive a embroidered 3″ patch along with their other rewards. Up next is the $11K stretch goal, which will expand the rewards to include two 11″x17″ prints by Dan Howard and Amber Chen! To get your copy of the book, a snazzy patch and help us get those prints made back us here!
Pg. 11: Dead Ringer
Audrey and Orson are ready for a proverbial throw down but a call from Carmen comes just in time.
Pg. 10: What’s Needed
Audrey can’t contain her frustration with Orson’s latest mid-course correction any longer.