An unexpected visitor cranks Markesha’s stress level to eleven.
Posts authored by admin
Happy Holidays 2015!
Orson takes a stroll through a snow covered Outer City. It’s tough feeling left out in the cold…
Happy Holidays from Team Kamikaze! Thank you all for a fantastic 2015!
Continue reading Happy Holidays 2015!
Pg. 2: Rift
Now that the truth about rent is out in the open, Markesha and Toshi take very different strategies to cope with it.
Pg. 1: Disclosure
While filling Toshi in, Markesha accidentally spills the beans.
Pg 0: Episode 2 Act 1
Pg. 8: Chain of Command
The weight of responsibility for the Razors has been thrust onto Carmen’s shoulders. Internally screaming might be an understatement.
Pg. 7: Triage
Carmen sees first-hand how dire the situation with Toro actually is.
Pg. 6: Bodycount
With the arrival of Tony’s body back at the Razors compound, the death toll goes from four to five.
Pg. 5: Update
Pg. 4: Remains
Back at the Razors compound, Lt. Commander Carmen Maddox finds something odd in the rubble of the explosion.
Continue reading Pg. 4: Remains