This week we’re paying tribute to one of the titans of Japanese pop culture, Akira Toriyama.
Posts authored by admin
Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 23: Lone Wolf
With Orson fresh out of Omega’s crosshairs, he’s throwing a new twist into things.
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Animated Hiatus: It’s a Rough Run
It’s two in the morning on the first day of your new job. You’re running for your life through a hurricane from the second gang you’ve managed to rile up in the last week. Getting home to get yelled at by your dad is starting to sound pretty good.
Alan made this scribbly animated hiatus, because life continues to be bananas!
Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 22: Crosshairs
The trapped safehouse didn’t take out all the Diredogs, and Omega’s getting the thrilling hunt she wanted.
Want to support the Kamikaze team? We’ve been producing a page a week since 2014, and community support is what keeps us going! If you become a Patron, you’ll get access to exclusive content like XL size versions of comic posts! Sign up here for as little as $1 a month:
Happy V-Day!
Whose heart has Markesha stolen? Happy Valentines Day, we love the heck out of y’all!
Comments are Back!
Whoops! Alan recently did some tinkering to the site settings to combat some nasty spam we were getting, and in the process accidentally broke the comment section. It’s fixed now, so let those comments fly!
How are y’all doing? Staying hydrated?
Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 21: Exit Through Gift Shop
Gotta love a good secret trap door. Looks like the gang is freshly traumatized and back on the move!
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Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 20: Serve Hot
Rest in pieces, Bell Street safehouse, we barely new ye.
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Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 19: Thunder
THUDUDUD indeed. Remember kids, keep your FAFOTech-brand turret’s ammunition subscription up to date!
It didn’t take long after the widespread adoption of automated turrets for some creative soul to realize that a properly tuned hologram emitter could draw the attention of most camera-based turrets. This hasn’t really slowed down the sale of turrets, for some strange reason.
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Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 18: Thrown for a Loop
Moshi moshi, Dire Dogs desu!