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Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 9: Family Matters

Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 9: Family Matters published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 9: Family Matters

Well now you’ve made it awkward, Astrea.

While nowhere near as well funded as the media networks of Inner Trinity, citizen run news organizations exist in the shadows of Outer Trinity. They’re perpetually understaffed, prone to gossip and hearsay, and occasionally targeted by Inner City Houses for digging in too deep, but for a lot of Outer city residents they’re the go-to source for actual news. TRU is often a key supporter of these rogue citizen journalists though in recent years they’ve shied away from having their own “official” channels.

Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 6: Tuck In

Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 6: Tuck In published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 6: Tuck In

Everyone’s just a little bit tired.

The Kamikaze webcomic is officially 9 years old now! It’s wild to think that the very first pages were posted July 25th 2014!

FAFOTECH hasn’t changed their console user interface much over the years. Some within R&D worried (privately of course) about the Order Ammo button being right next to the Panic button, however the turret manufacturer hasn’t received any complaints about it. There have been a surprisingly large number of repeat ammunition orders placed from customers who are mysteriously no longer alive to receive shipment when the ammo gets there. FAFOTECH marketing takes this as an encouragement to further aggressively push ammunition sales.

Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 5: Bunker Chic

Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 5: Bunker Chic published on No Comments on Ep. 4 Act 2 Page 5: Bunker Chic

Aggression can be expressed many ways. Body language, tone of voice, brandishing weapons, paint choice.

FAFOTECH security turrets are expensive but highly effective. Belt-fed and equipped with high resolution targeting sensors, they are utterly devastating in close quarters. The excessive rate they chew through their ammunition does make their already high price tag all the more eye-watering.

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