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10 Years!

10 Years! published on No Comments on 10 Years!

Hi all! This week, Thursday to be exact, we are crossing an amazing milestone. A full decade ago we launched Act 0 of Episode 1 here in it’s entirety. We’d been working on Kamikaze as a series concept for nearly 2 years before that, after casually developing the idea for nearly eight years before even that. While we definitely knew what we wanted to do with the story, we had very little experience (none in fact) making a weekly webcomic.

Launching the comic on July 25th 2014 lit a fuse on a rocket we hoped would take us amazing places, and at the very least not detonate on the launch pad. Take us places, it has! In the past ten years we’ve won awards, made an animated short, printed books to send around the globe, and traveled to some amazing events to share the Kamikaze story. But by far, the best places this project has taken us is to discover and meet fans and supporters. The support we’ve received over the years has been truly humbling, and it’s genuinely true we wouldn’t be doing it without you. Whether you support the Kickstarters, comment regularly, boost our social posts, swing by our convention tables, or just lurk and read, we thank you deeply.

We don’t know exactly where this rocket is headed next, but we’re massively grateful for everyone who’s along for the ride. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and here’s to more years of Kamikaze to come!

If you’d like to help support the project financially, check out our Patreon, our Online Shop, or our Digital Downloads. Your support helps keep the lights on, and every little bit helps!

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