Audrey and Link scramble to find their AWOL agent!
Without getting too bogged down in the technical details, the Pack has a unique power system. Energy is always flowing into the device. This is a double edged sword. On one hand it means the user has a technological advantage. But if the energy overflows the Pack becomes volatile and prone to damage that would be irreversible in the field. Orson has hounded Audrey to provide simple solutions to the damaged-in-the-field problem. This request has clashed hard against a promise he made when she joined his team: No one will ever know the inner-workings of this specific technology, including him. In the years they’ve worked together Orson and Link are no closer to understanding exactly how the Pack works now, than they were on day one. Link thinks her taciturn response to Pack specific questions are because Audrey’s too lazy to explain it in English. Orson’s theory is much darker.
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